Sleep App with Subscription Revenue

Status: Sold









Available for acquisition is a sleep app that was ranked #1 in the US in 2020. The app provides a comprehensive sleep solution including breathing techniques, calming sounds, meditations, sleep stories, sound and sleep tracking, snore and voice tracking, and a smart alarm. It’s a B2C subscription-based model, that aims to revolutionize the way people sleep.

o Target Geography: US & Western Europe
o App history: 4+ years (launched November 2018) and has generated over $15mm in revenue
o Availability: Apple App Store (iOS), Apple Watch, Google Play Store (Android)


o 9.2 million downloads worldwide
o User-friendly interface
o Strong retention rates
o Integration with wearable devices
o App ratings – 4.5/5.0
o Strong customer loyalty: its retention metrics are among the top players within the niche
o Players from this niche are among the top 20 in the health and fitness category
o Marketing strategy and ad creatives (historical ad creatives, pixels, audiences, settings)
o Potential to grow rapidly (proven by experience) with restarting paid marketing
o ROMI (return on marketing investment – lifetime): 47% iOS and 64% Android
o Unique product – state of the art from technical and product management perspectives
o Unique in-house content creations
o Top-tier technical quality of the products
o Top-tier analytical systems integrated together (Amplitude, Appsflyer, Firebase)
o The watchOS app was designed in partnership with the Apple team
o Balanced monetization model (no issues with app stores)
o Registered trademark in the US and EU, and top-level domain

Support / Training

The seller is willing to offer a training period and will work with a new owner to ensure a smooth transition. Their time is limited as they have moved onto a new unrelated project.

Reason for Selling

Owners are selling this app to focus on building web platform coaching products for businesses (SMB first then larger companies). Aim is to build a billion+ valuation unicorn in the booster space.








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