Health & Nutritional Supplement Business – Kidney Health

Status: For Sale



AUD $2,800,000


AUD $1,400,000


AUD $7,000,000 (plus inventory)


Available for acquisition is an ecommerce platform dedicated to providing support for individuals diagnosed with kidney disease. With 1 in 7 Americans and 1 in 10 people worldwide affected by kidney disease, there is a critical need for information and resources to manage and treat this condition. Unfortunately, many individuals are not aware that kidney disease is preventable and treatable. Even for people on dialysis there is an opportunity to improve kidney function and, in some cases, come off dialysis altogether.

The business has a key online program, launched in 2009, that offers a comprehensive guide to naturally support and potentially improve kidney function through a combination of diet, herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, meditation, exercise, and mindset practices. In addition, they produce high-quality, nutrient and herbal-specific supplements recommended within the program. Supplements were launched in 2021.

o Target audience: Kidney patients
o Founding year: 2009
o Clients served: 25,000+
o Debt-free business
o Profit: $0.5MM (2019), $2.0MM (2022); growth rate: 30%+ (compared to last year)
o Focused geography: US & Worldwide – 90% of customers are from the US

NOTE – Financials shown are for the fiscal year 2023. TTM (Jul22 – Jun23) was $2,772,283 AUD Revenue and $1,033,620 AUD EBITDA. 


Repeat revenue; multiple streams of revenue (supplements, online program, upsells, affiliate sales, third party sends, YouTube channel if optimized)
o Opportunity to add subscription revenue for supplements
o Minimal time commitment – business runs smoothly without much owner input and can be run from any location
o High quality unique products with high profit margin
o Highly engaged email list
o Trademarked names for one brand and two key products
o Dominance in the rapidly expanding kidney natural health market with very low competition
o Online presence and reputation for over a decade
o Promoted by doctors and renal dieticians
o Loyal customers – products that help people in desperate need and get amazing results for people’s health that are not available elsewhere

Support / Training

The company owners are willing to offer a training and transition period. This is flexible depending on your needs. Support team is willing to stay on with a new owner if desired.

Reason for Selling

Owners are a husband and wife team that have divorced and are moving on to their own separate business ventures. Owners are Australia based but the business is not Australia specific and can be operated anywhere. The business is almost exclusively operated from the US and 90% of the customers are from the US.



AUD $2,800,000


AUD $1,400,000


AUD $7,000,000 (plus inventory)

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