Notebook App – Advanced Features & Subscription Revenue

Status: For Sale









For sale is an app that captures notes and ideas in the real-world, which can be organized and shared from an iPhone. It uses advanced machine learning for automated text conversion for handwriting, audio, video, and images with powerful search and organization features. The app provides built-in web-based collaboration tools so users can share notes with anyone; no login required. Target audience is 40+ year old males that enjoy writing and technology. Built in the USA using Apple Human Interface Design guide and Swift.


o Years in Business: 3+, App Live: 2 years
o Strong brand name
o Large customer base
o High in-app conversion (over 17%; 3x industry average)
o Strong reviews on Apple
o Un-tapped app marketing potential
o Detailed reporting on revenue and app usage since product launch
o Email list in Drip
o Knowledge base articles
o Multiple domain names for the product
o iOS App (built in Swift)
o Desktop app (80% completed in React) code base
o Video library of how-to content
o Customer data
o Google Analytics
o Supporting services for app including Algolia, Firebase, and RevenueCat

Support / Training

The seller is willing to offer a training period. The developer is available for a transition but has another business with full-time hours and will not be available ongoing.

Reason for Selling

The owner is discontinuing the sale of its companion notebook, which was the main driver of downloads for the app. They are pursuing a new opportunity (unrelated to this app) and secured investors for that new product. The owner believes the app is good enough to attract new users independent of the notebook and wants to sell the app to someone that can grow the app from the strong baseline created.








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